Trees, which are abundant in Japan, are indispensable to human life.
Trees move quietly and take time to grow.
I took pictures of these trees.
To better understand their characteristics, I took the photos at night with lighting.
Darkness thick with humidity. Insects attracted by the light. The chaos of lighting work. The terror of a lonely night.
After the photoshoot, I examined the printed photos.
However, the distance was too great, and they didn’t invoke the same feelings as the real thing. So, I glued on some dead branches and colored the branches to give them live.
This reduced the emotional distance between me and trees, and the work gained value.
- Image size
- 820×570mm
- Frame size
- 839×593×63mm
- Frame spec
- Original wooden panel
- Edition
- 1
- Signature
- Signed work
- Remarks
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